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Dr. Brad looks back.

Dr. Brad looks back.

Dr. Brad reflects on a difficult time when he needed help—hear about where he found it.

You don’t have to believe to receive the help your body needs necessarily.

Finding relief for severe insomnia

Finding relief for severe insomnia

One night last year, Allison suddenly couldn’t sleep. And then the next. "I couldn't sleep for weeks and weeks,” she said. “I would fall asleep, but my brain would wake me up as soon as I would go into the unconscious stage.”

After finding no help with several doctors, she came to Hope Clinic, desperate. Dr. Brad identified some possible causes, and Allison began receiving care from the entire Hope Clinic Team

Odd Symptoms in the Summer

Odd Symptoms in the Summer

Summer! With a good balance in the body this can be a time of balance for the heart and mind. Joy, calm, connection, and space. This can also be a time of odd symptoms that can wear on us both physically and mentally.

2 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Essential Oils

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2 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Essential Oils

Essential oils can be an extremely useful and effective way to support your body. In their very nature, essential oils are extremely pure products. The purer an essential oil is, the more refined it is, which means it begins to act more like a chemical.

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What IS Homeopathy?

What IS Homeopathy?

Homeopathy works to remind the body how to heal itself. It does this through something we call, a remedy. Since it won’t interfere with medications, homeopathy can be useful to support healing for just about any health condition.

Concussions: Do I Just Wait?

Concussions: Do I Just Wait?

Wham! You get hit. Now you’re worried about a concussion. When we talk about concussions, what is it that’s happened to your brain?

Taking Medication? Natural Care Can Help Reduce Side Effects


Taking Medication? Natural Care Can Help Reduce Side Effects

All medications have some side effects or stop working altogether as medications cause a nutritional deficiency somewhere in the body. Common medication side effects (dizziness, loss of appetite, loss of energy, and feeling achy) appear when physiological processes are affected by specific nutrients not being available.


Hope For Insomnia and Food Sensitivities

Hope For Insomnia and Food Sensitivities

Meet Mindi

After having two kids, Mindi's seemingly random health issues only seemed to get worse. She wasn't satisfied with the answers she was getting from traditional medicine.

How Is Hope Clinic Changing Lives?


How Is Hope Clinic Changing Lives?

Sometimes all the body needs is a little extra support

We believe every person who walks through the door here at Hope Clinic has their own, unique health journey. Our practitioners work with our patients to find the support their individual body needs at this time.

In this short video, a few Hope Clinic patients share in their own words about their experience of receiving natural care from Hope Clinic practitioners. From sleep problems, severe knee pain, chronic constipation, miscarriages, ADD, ADHD, ear infections, and kid’s common cold and flu, we continue to believe that your body has the ability to heal itself!

Watch this two-minute video to learn more.



For first-time patients, we invite you to come to our free, monthly Hope Class.


Hope For A Child With ADHD


Hope For A Child With ADHD

Amy and her husband first started bringing their young son to see Dr. Brad at Hope Clinic years ago. Their son, at the time, had just been diagnosed with ADHD and they were looking for alternative natural health options for him.


Unpacking Your Complex Kidney System


Unpacking Your Complex Kidney System

In western medicine we tend to think of the kidney system as pretty straight forward and simple: the kidneys are what control and maintain our mineral status and blood pressure. But in Chinese medicine, the kidney system is understood to be much more complex.


Hope For Hot Flashes & Sleep Troubles


Hope For Hot Flashes & Sleep Troubles

"I came to Hope Clinic because I was experiencing hot flashes (20-30 a day), sleeping in short bursts of 1-2 hours maximum at night, and then awakened due to hot flashes and had ceased menstruation.

I was taking a pill form of progesterone and a cream form. I was experiencing lack of memory focus. I couldn’t carry through on projects and anxiety was something that was becoming a building crescendo of rhythm in my thinking. This had started four years ago, but had increased in intensity in the last year and a half.

I had a hard time convincing my medical doctor that I was in peri-menopause, and changed doctors twice in order to be heard. I then saw a PA who specializes in women’s issues and she took my FSH levels which ended up revealing I was definitely in menopause. She put me on progesterone cream and a pill. While these helped reduce the intensity of the hot flashes the anxiety and sleeplessness were still increasing.

I really liked how Dr. Brad, Wells, and Sue worked together with homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, herb,s and nutritional supplements as well as looking at the overall wellness of my body, mind, and spirit. I also appreciated Dr. Brad’s intentional-ness of care and answering questions about “why” and “how” the parts of treatment work together. So very helpful! Gradual change to my diet, vitamins, and current regime, felt do-able with Dr. Brad’s help.

I am now sleeping in 4-5 hour stretches consistently each night. My memory is beginning to engage and be more active. My hot flashes are completely gone. I have not had one for five weeks and I’m on much less medication. Anxiety is no longer overwhelming me and infiltrating my sleep patterns.

While I highly recommend the holistic look at our bodies, it does require some work of active participation with the change of diet, juicing mixture, additional appointments with Acupuncture as well as a commitment to engage with the process.

Dr. Brad is a great partner that invited me to participate with my body on an intimate level of understanding that went beyond just treating symptoms, and into the depth of listening and interacting with my body to bring about healing in a more natural way that allowed my body to respond.

Thanks so much, Hope Clinic. I respect my body more and am aware of how I can consciously engage with listening to my body."

- a wife & mother active in helping others heal


Do You Have Strong Bones?


Do You Have Strong Bones?

Sadly, many things we’re told to do to avoid bone-related mishaps and disease are based on misleading information. These meant-to-be helpful tips can actually end up contributing to the problem! Shoot. So what’s the real deal? Let’s take it one piece at a time…


Have you been dreaming lately?


Have you been dreaming lately?

At night, when you are fast asleep and cozy in your bed, your brain is still hard at work sorting through all the things you experienced that day. It’s important for Dr. Brad to ask this because dreams can tell us quite a bit about how your young body is doing.
