Have you ever experienced a traumatic sports injury? We talk a lot around here about the body’s incredible ability to heal itself. So ponder this: most athletic-related injuries happen because there is an internal imbalance in the body.
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Brrrr... it really is cold out there! Offering your kidneys the little extra love and support they need this time of year isn’t too tricky. Here are 3 simple ways to care for your kidneys this winter.
Homeopathy works to remind the body how to heal itself. It does this through something we call, a remedy. Since it won’t interfere with medications, homeopathy can be useful to support healing for just about any health condition.
Wham! You get hit. Now you’re worried about a concussion. When we talk about concussions, what is it that’s happened to your brain?
The media and medical community have been making it sound as though everyone ought to get a flu shot. But does it really help? Is it really necessary? If you find yourself asking these questions, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive right in.
School time is here again. For kids this means new sleep schedules, new teachers, new friends, new foods, and new chemicals they aren’t exposes to at home. This combination is stressful! Our bodies can only hold out so long before it starts to break down. But you, the parent, can help.
What is strep throat anyway? Strep is a bacteria we all have present in our bodies. When you come down with strep throat it means you have caught a virus which causes an overgrowth of the strep bacteria.
Ever wondered why allergies can vary so much from person to person?
Think of it like this: each of our bodies have our own bucket-sized ability for how many hormones, toxins, chemicals, or allergens we can handle. Everyone has a little different capacity...
When you feel a bit tight on time, here's a Dr. Brad-recommended, full-body workout that will take you just 10 minutes! Do it at home in your living room or maybe even your kitchen.
All medications have some side effects or stop working altogether as medications cause a nutritional deficiency somewhere in the body. Common medication side effects (dizziness, loss of appetite, loss of energy, and feeling achy) appear when physiological processes are affected by specific nutrients not being available.
For those of us who call Minnesota home, we are professionals at surviving the winter. But most people here in Minnesota don’t realize that the time to start preparing your body for winter is as soon as fall begins.
If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, then you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you never, ever want to have another one. Ouch.
You might be surprised to know that each time they go in and break up kidney stones, it gives the person temporary relief but puts that person more at risk for future kidney stones. Why?
Whether we’re talking about adult or child bed wetting, the number one cause is a kidney deficiency. You read that right. Bed wetting is most commonly a result of a weak kidney system.
Unfortunately, your kidneys can often be the very last thing a western doctor will think of.
Pink eye occurs when bacteria are infecting the eye. It’s not uncommon for pink eye to flair up for kids in the first few weeks after going back to school. Why is that? There are many factors to consider...
Statistics show that most ear “infections” aren’t “infections” at all. Instead most are simply ear inflammations. Antibiotics will only clear the inflammation, but antibiotics won’t solve the core problem behind the ear infection.
First, mince fresh garlic into a glass container (old dropper bottles always work well). Fill the container ¾ full of garlic. Next, add just enough olive oil to fully cover the garlic in the bottle.
Looking for something to help loosen congestion? Relieve sinus pressure? Want to chase away pain in your nose or around your eyes? Onion packs might just be the helpful solution you were looking for, especially if you’ve suffered, or are suffering, from pneumonia or bronchitis—this is definitely the way to go! The onions heal by opening pores, relieving congestion, and drawing mucous away from the lungs.
A ginger bath is the first and very best thing you can do for your kids when they get sick. Whether your child’s symptoms are nasal or lung congestion, the flu bug or a bad cough, a ginger bath is one of the best natural remedies that can help stimulate the immune system to give the body that extra boost it needs. And it’s great for adults, too. Plus, learn how to make ginger tea and get tips about how it is helpful.
In Minnesota, parents still have the right to decide whether or not to vaccinate their kids before sending them off to school. Parenting is full of complicated health decisions. Hope Clinic is here as a resource to help support you and every member of your family.
Bees, wasps, yellow jackets and hornets, oh my! These little stinging critters play important roles in nature. But sometimes these little insects get spooked and feel like they need to protect themselves. Then suddenly, ouch! You got stung. That’s no fun at all! Dr. Brad wants your body to start feeling better right away.