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Fall Is The Time To Care For Your Lungs and Large Intestine

Fall Is The Time To Care For Your Lungs and Large Intestine

Fall, this is a tricky time.  With school in full swing, schedule changes, and more to think through. There is a tendency to feel overwhelmed or stressed out. We are adapting to cooler weather both emotionally and physically. With change it’s normal to grieve. Basically, things around you are changing. Your body is clearing. This affects the body, emotions and mind. 

There's hope for that unbearable cough


There's hope for that unbearable cough

Last time you got the cough, how did you pass the nights? Did you endure the rib-shattering coughing fits or did you slide down a little cough syrup? But guess what? There are other options to help with a cough.
