Around here at Hope Clinic we talk a lot about organ systems, and their different seasons. Since these references aren't exactly coming up at a typical medical doctor appointment—or around the water cooler—let's take a few moments to explain things a bit.
Fall, this is a tricky time. With school in full swing, schedule changes, and more to think through. There is a tendency to feel overwhelmed or stressed out. We are adapting to cooler weather both emotionally and physically. With change it’s normal to grieve. Basically, things around you are changing. Your body is clearing. This affects the body, emotions and mind.
Wham! You get hit. Now you’re worried about a concussion. When we talk about concussions, what is it that’s happened to your brain?
Sometimes the headache is in the front of your head, sometimes behind your eyes, sometimes on the top of your head. No matter where the headache is, it can really be painful. When you get headaches kids, here are some good things Dr. Brad says you can do to help yourself.
All medications have some side effects or stop working altogether as medications cause a nutritional deficiency somewhere in the body. Common medication side effects (dizziness, loss of appetite, loss of energy, and feeling achy) appear when physiological processes are affected by specific nutrients not being available.
If you can’t remember the last time you woke up feeling well rested and ready for day, then chances are your body’s energy systems need some extra support.
All winter long you've sipped warm mugs of hot tea, roasted vegetables, and spooned up savory soups and stews, but we're here to tell you—spring is finally here! It's time for greens and other bright colors to be brought back onto our plates. Thank goodness, right?
While your kids are playing outside this summer, whether in sports or just in the backyard, be sure to encourage them to drink enough water and stay hydrated.