Whether we’re talking about adult or child bed wetting, the number one cause is a kidney deficiency. You read that right. Bed wetting is most commonly a result of a weak kidney system.
Unfortunately, your kidneys can often be the very last thing a western doctor will think of.
In this short video you'll hear a patient story of a woman who came to Hope Clinic because her and her husband were hoping to start a family. This woman had suffered from multiple miscarriages.
Do your nails break easily? Your body might simply need more gelatin. Learn about the three common causes for brittle nails.
In western medicine we tend to think of the kidney system as pretty straight forward and simple: the kidneys are what control and maintain our mineral status and blood pressure. But in Chinese medicine, the kidney system is understood to be much more complex.
If you or someone you love has had mono or is currently recovering from mono, this person needs to receive some sort of natural care with Chinese medicine. For mono, there are really no other options.
Have you miscarried and aren’t sure why? Or are you pregnant now and wondering if you and baby are healthy? Bring your questions to the clinic and we’ll see what we can find out. We may simply need to build your blood supply or strengthen your thyroid to set you and baby on a healthier path.
It’s quite common for many women to experience excessive amounts of hair loss and this is not normal. If you are a woman experiencing hair loss, there's good news for you: hair loss in women is usually very treatable.
Ever wondered what to feed baby when it can’t be mama’s milk? Why…Dr. Brad’s handy-dandy recipe for homemade baby formula, of course! Learn how to make it here.
Nausea and low-energy during pregnancy, however “common”, do not have to be accepted as “normal”. As common as women think these symptoms are, they are actually signals your body doesn’t have enough of what it needs to keep you and your baby healthy.
What are the best ways to care for yourself and your baby while you’re pregnant? Hope Clinic practitioners have some great ideas for before, during, and after a pregnancy. Whether this is your first baby, second, or fourth—it’s never too late to find out how natural care can positively effect the health of your growing family.