Springtime = liver season

Come springtime your liver is hard at work. As the snow melts and the lakes thaw, your body kicks into detoxing. This is good work, but it comes with some symptoms. People can struggle with irritability, headaches, body aches and flu-like symptoms.

According to Chinese Medicine, unfairness is the emotion that is stored in the liver. The liver’s main function is to detoxify the body. It does this in many different ways, one way is through making bile, which ensures healthy digestion. Another way the liver detoxifies is by maintaining a balance of hormones; deciding which ones get to stay and which ones must leave.

Feeling easily irritable?

In springtime we might find ourselves more easily frustrated by small things that wouldn’t normally bother us. Our co-workers, friends, or kids might be more likely to fly-off-the-handle or throw a fit about the slightest thing. And we are too. This could be a sign that the liver is feeling a little stuck and needs extra support to do it’s job properly.


  • Keep moving. Get out of breath each day and get outside for fresh air when possible.

  • You know how people say, “take a breath!” Not the worst advice. But even better, take a good sigh. This is a calming reset for your emotional system. A release.

  • Focus on compassion. For yourself and others around you. What was said perhaps wasn’t meant to come out that way.

  • The whole family can go on apple cider vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar—1 tsp. in 1/8– 1/4 cup of water and drink two times a day. This really does help clear the liver, helps with headaches and overall mood. For children, 1/2 tsp. two times a day. You can try to sneak into apple juice or apple sauce. *For the apple cider vinegar, purchase an organic brand with the pulp. You can store at room temperature. Bragg's brand is a good option.

  • Try putting a warm pack over your liver when you get a moment to sit down and relax. This will increase the blood flow to the liver helping it to heal and detoxify itself more swiftly.

  • Hop over to this article for suggestions on spring foods to eat that will keep your liver functioning properly.

And don’t forget! We’re here at the clinic to help find that extra support your body might need this time of year.
