Viewing entries tagged
diet and food

Discover a Secret Ingredient to Health: Enzymes

Discover a Secret Ingredient to Health: Enzymes

We hear a lot about vitamins and minerals, but what about enzymes?
Enzymes are like tiny superheroes working behind the scenes in our bodies. They’re the catalysts that power every function, from breaking down food for nutrient absorption to removing waste and producing energy. They even battle cellular aging and play a role in fighting off cancer cells. Learn more!

Add to Your Plate: 5 Quality Veggies + Tasty Taco Recipe

Add to Your Plate: 5 Quality Veggies + Tasty Taco Recipe

You know you should probably eat a bit better, where to start? 

To begin, let's not take things off your plate—let's add to it. No matter what you're having for dinner, even if it’s frozen pizza, try adding a quality side:

- Broccoli: Did you know that a daily handful of broccoli can help ward off some cancer cells?

sugar(s) and immune health

sugar(s) and immune health

If you give a kid a cookie, it's at least better than a mountain dew!

As we continue to keep your immune system going strong, let's talk about sugar(s). Inflammation is a key to overall health and the immune system's virus killing powers - the less inflammation the body is having to deal with the more effective our immune system can run.

Processed foods, Inflammation and Immune Health

Processed foods, Inflammation and Immune Health

Hear a bit about Inflammation and how it is hard on our immune system. One piece Dr. Brad talks about today is having to do with our diet.

And we know, during this time of COVID-19 it’s tough to press into improving daily eating habits. There is an emotional component to food. Yet, less inflammation helps to boost our energy levels, and overall mood.

Let’s do some little things. Small changes can go a long way. 💫